If you are involved in a collision with another car, don't assume they are entirely to blame, even if they made a mistake that led to the accident. In most cases, drivers share auto collision liabilities. Below are some of the things that trigger shared liability in such cases.
Driving a Defective Car
Driving a defective car can contribute to auto accident damages in two main ways. First, car defects can worsen your injuries in a collision. For example, a defective windshield might worsen your injuries.
Secondly, some defects can make it harder than usual to avoid a collision. For example, slowing down or stopping is a reasonable way of avoiding a head-on collision. However, your car might not slow down enough to avoid a collision if you have bald tires. The defendant might claim that you contributed to your damages in either case.
Driving Over the Speed Limit
The law requires drivers to drive at safe speeds that allow maneuvers that avoid accidents. Speeding contributes to accidents and accidental injuries in multiple ways. For example, speeding:
- Increases collision impact, which leads to more injuries
- Increases stopping distance and time
- Increases the risk of losing control of a car
Consider a case where you drive twice the speed limit and notice another car making an illegal U-turn. Your speed might prevent you from stopping in time to avoid a collision. In addition, the resultant injuries and damages might be worse than they would be at legal speeds. Thus, you can expect the other party to accuse you of contributing to the accident.
Not Using Turn Signals
Drivers must use turn signals to alert others when changing directions, for example, when merging or changing lanes. If you don't use your turn signals and end up in a collision, you might be partially liable for an accident even if the other party was at fault.
Consider a case where you drive into a parking space, and another driver pulls out of the adjacent space. If the cars collide because neither of you used their turn signals, both of you will likely be on the hook for the crash.
State law determines auto accident compensation in case of shared liability. For example, some states will reduce your compensation in proration to your contribution to the accident. Other states may deny you compensation if you are also to blame for the accident. Contact an auto accident lawyer to help you navigate the liability issues and get the compensation you deserve.
For more information, contact a local firm like The Radmore Law Firm.